Pulsers (1976)
Untitled (1972)
Phonemes (1981)
Pulsers explores the world of rhythms created electronically by analog, rather than digital, circuitry. With analog circuitry, the time-base common to the rhythms can be varied in many different ways by a performer, and can eventually become unstable.
Untitled is a part of a series of works composed in the 1970s that were developed through experiments in generating electronic sound without the use of oscillators, tone generators, or recorded natural sound materials. Composed in 1972, it was designed for simultaneous performance with John Cage’s vocalization of his Mesostics re Merce Cunningham. The work was revived in 1982, and performed with improvised vocals by Takehisa Kosugi.
Phonemes was commissioned by the Merce Cunningham Dance Company for Cunningham’s dance Channels/Inserts, a work made both as a “filmdance” and for the stage. Phonemes employs two discrete processes which provide input source material for an array of sound modifying electronics, thus creating a multitude of outputs.