- In Memoriam Mr. Whitney (1991)
- St. George and the Dragon (1991)
“Oliveros’s bold use of dissonance in her improvisations brings to mind the solo organ meditations of Olivier Messiaen ...” – Bill Tilland, Option
“The three-quarter hour solo accordion improvisation, St. George and the Dragon comes as a bit of a shock after other recent Oliveros recordings; cavernous reverberation in a light, poignant tone, are replaced by much more brittle, shriller sounds, which penetrate rather than embrace.” – BD, EST
“Surrounded by the rough stone walls of a chapel at the Pomfret school in Connecticut, Pauline Oliveros improvised the forty-seven-minute solo piece St. George and the Dragon by listening to the her accordion in this space, and reacting to its reverberations. Oliveros plays her accordion much the way rock guitarists play their amp; responding to the subtle changes in the noise, building the feedback to acheive a wall of sound.” – Damon Krukowski, Fanfare